Every house is a school  Every parent is a teacher 

Now you are the Teacher

As a parent we teach the kid about various life skills and even help them in their academics. As a toddler we introduce different subjects to them on a regular basis. But we always come up with doubts like, Is this enough? Are we doing it right? | Is this age appropriate?

Well, we are here to help you through with our home schooling curriculum which will enable you to work with your child on a day to day basis that are age appropriate and academically appropriate.

Our curriculum

Our curriculum has been built by teachers cum parents who have put in years of experience in teaching the toddlers. The curriculum makes sure that all the areas of development are covered. Our curriculum sheets are simple and easy to understand. Other than the day wise worksheets the parents will also be assisted with audio and video files as and when needed. At the end of a term the parents are also given an assessment sheet to check the progress of their child on various areas of development.
With this initiative we plan to bring out the teacher in all of us out and also make sure that the child is learning the right thing at the right time under a safe environment.     

FiE Home Schooling | Sample Curriculum

Sample curriculum for Day 1 & Day 4 given for parents to try teaching them to their toddlers. This curriculum helps to the parent to train their child relevant to Pre-School or Montessori school education in future.  WhatsApp your order to 9840377972

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