Who are we?

Hi, We are Fun in Education

making learning more FUN


Fun in Education (FiE) is working with educational institutions to conduct educational events, after school activity classes, workshops, study tours and field trips to inculcate the alternate learning pattern along with your syllabus. By doing this we intend to increase the fun quotient in our educational system. FiE is all set to work with Bangalore schools to improve the fun element in their syllabus. We are happy that schools are welcoming our idea to make their practical learning more interesting by engaging with FiE.

Founder's message

FiE as depicted in the logo is an organization that brings a reactive element called "fun" to another element called "Education" that give rise to a stable compound called "Practical education". Here students are shown through a view finder to see education in a practical perspective. This Practical education enhance the ability of the students to develop themselves better and understand things quickly in a organised manner, which in our view is actual way of effective development.
We conduct, competitions, workshop, summer camps, online activity classes and filed trips with Pre and Post trip events which instantly interest students to take up and induce this concept of learning in their life. And we do think this is a perfect way to enjoy education. 

                                                                                    -  Smt. Babitha Balaji


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